in Arizona

Throwin' what she knows in Boston!

in New York

in Ireland!

in Chicago!

In Detroit

throwin' what she knows in Alaska!

in London

in Disney World!

throwin' what she knows in Barcelona!

Sutton Bay, Michigan

Reppin' MSU in Ireland

In Atlanta!

at the Cotton Bowl!

at the Regional Conference

interning at Steelcase for the summer!

during their study abroad in Tanzania

hiking in Arizona while interning there

in Alaska

during her study abroad in Fiji

finding a photo of her family at a small shop in Europe

throwin' what they know in Europe

in Florida

in Ohio

in London

in Chicago where she interned for the summer

working at Camp Agawak for the summer

reppin' Phi Rho while she kayaks in Michigan

hanging out in Spain

in Chicago

at Tahquamenon Falls

eating ice cream in Grand Rapids

water skiing in Michigan

enjoying ice cream at the summer camp that she worked at

with some of her intern friends from P&G

Conference over the summer

enjoying her time in New Jersey

sharing a laugh in Chicago

paddle boarding!

in Fiji

throwin' what she knows in Lebanon

on their way to Cedar Point!

throwin' what they know

seeing her first moose in Alaska

enjoying her time at the Alpha Chapter!